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Wohler CDL 110 CO2 Monitor - 8500

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8500 CDL 110 CO2 Monitor by Wohler

The Wohler CDL 210 CO2 data logger and the Wöhler CDL 110 CO2 data monitor are CO2 measuring devices (colloquially also called CO2 traffic light) for continuous monitoring of the carbon dioxide concentration (in ppm) and other air quality factors.

Determination of the indoor air quality through combination of measurement and identification of:

  • The CO2-concentration
  • The air temperature
  • The air humidity

For CO2-monitoring of:

  • Housing spaces (comfortableness, humidity problems, etc.)
  • Conference rooms and lounges (e.g. schools)
CO2 -Measurement
Range 0 - 2,000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy ± 50 ppm ± 5 %
Range 14...140 °F
Resolution 0.1 °F
Accuracy ± 0.9 °F
Measurement of air humidity
Range 5 - 95 % r.H.
Resolution 0.1 % r.H.
Accuracy 77 °F and 10-90 % ± 3 % r.H. otherwise: ± 5 % r.H.
List of measurement readings 5,300 readings
Logrates 3/10/30 Sec. 1/3/10/30 min. 1/3/4 h.

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