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Myron L DS Conductivity Meter: 0-10, 100, 1000, 10,000 AμM/AμS - EP-10

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Myron L
Myron L DS Conductivity Meter: 0-10, 100, 1000, 10,000 AμM/AμS - EP-10
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Myron L DS Conductivity Meter: 0-10, 100, 1000, 10,000 AμM/AμS - EP-10

Myron L DS Conductivity Meter: 0-10, 100, 1000, 10,000 AμM/AμS - EP-10


EP-10 DS Conductivity Meter: 0-10, 100, 1000, 10,000 AμM/AμS by Myron L


No water supply is completely pure. Every industrial, commercial, or natural source contains dissolved solids or salts. These impurities contribute to scale, corrosion, poor taste, and environmental pollution that endanger animal and plant life.

Myron L Company has two proven ways to measure such impurities. Our DS Meters provide fast, accurate, on-the-spot measurement of total dissolved solids (TDS) or conductivity. pDS Meters test conductivity or TDS, plus pH. Readings from their highly stable circuitry help prevent equipment damage, assure product quality, and verify in-line instrumentation in a wide range of applications.


Breakage is one of the major causes of sensor failure in a typical pH or conductivity instrument. Myron L instruments provide maximum protection for both the pH and conductivity electrodes inside the cell cup. The userreplaceable pH electrode features a chemical resistant, liquid junction.


Our unique, durable, field-tested design has evolved over more than 40 years, making Myron L instruments among the most reliable and popular of their kind in the world.

They're lightweight and compact, Yet Myron L's DS and pDS Meters are also tough, with rugged, taut-band meter movements.

Put our meters to the test. Even after years of rough field service, they'll surpass your expectations of accurate, reliable readings.


  • Boilers
  • Cooling towers
  • Deionization
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Chemical concentrations
  • Printing fountain solutions
  • Swimming pools
  • Water pollution control
  • Wastewater
Ranges Conductivity: 1, 3, 4 or 5 depending on model
pH: 2-12 pH (pDS Meters only)
Readout 2 1/2" taut-band shock resistant meter
Units of Measure Choice of parts per million (ppm)/TDS or micromhos (μM) (microsiemens (μS)) conductivity
Accuracy Conductivity: ±2% full scale
pH: ±0.2 pH units
Repeatability ±1%
Temperature Compensation Automatic (to 25°C) for conductivity samples between 50° and 160°F (10-71°C)
Calibration Controls Conductivity, pH Zero and pH Gain
Electrodes (built-in) pH: KCl gel-filled, field replaceable
Conductivity: Never need replatinizing
Cell Cup Chip and crack resistant polyethylene
Circuitry Very stable; requires minimal recalibration
Batteries One or two 9 volt batteries supplied; good for 2000 tests/1 year
Dimensions 3.4"W x 4.5"D x 4.0"H (86 x 114 x 102 mm)
Weight One pound (0.45 kg)

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