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Modern Water PDV6000ultra Instrument with bare carbon electrode set, for bare carbon electrode applications, including tablet computer, OTG adapter, waterproof case and all accessories - 100-214BC

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Modern Water
Modern Water PDV6000ultra Instrument with bare carbon electrode set, for bare carbon electrode applications, including tablet computer, OTG adapter, waterproof case and all accessories - 100-214BC
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Modern Water PDV6000ultra Instrument with bare carbon electrode set, for bare carbon electrode applications, including tablet computer, OTG adapter, waterproof case and all accessories - 100-214BC

Modern Water PDV6000ultra Instrument with bare carbon electrode set, for bare carbon electrode applications, including tablet computer, OTG adapter, waterproof case...


100-214BC PDV6000ultra Instrument with bare carbon electrode set, for bare carbon electrode applications, including tablet computer, OTG adapter, waterproof case and all accessories by Modern Water

Measuring trace metals in water, soil and food has always been a vital part of modern environmental monitoring. Voltammetry offers an internationally accepted alternative to laboratory analysis. Modern Water's PDV provides excellent on-site characterization of pollution hot spots and contamination sources.

  • Single instrument can be configured to measure up to 24 different metals
  • New tablet-based android app simplifies equipment use and increases portability. - New!
  • Analyze in the lab or the field down to 0.5 μg/L – below drinking water regulations for many target metals
  • Traditional & Simplified Chinese user interface now available
  • More accurate, higher sensitivity and less susceptible to interference than colorimetric methods
  • Excellent Correlation with Laboratory Methods (AAS, ICP-MS) but much lower capital and operating costs.
  • 30 years of application development, validation studies and academic references
  • Solid electrodes-multi-year lifetimes and no hazardous elemental mercury.
  • Standalone field instrument- compact, light weight carrying case allows for field use
  • Speciation of selected metals by lability & oxidation state
  • AC or rechargeable battery for on-site use
  • Fast analysis on site, combined with low cost per test allow; - 1) immediate identification of problems; 2) interactive sampling to locate and identify contamination source and extent; 3) remediation decisions to be made onsite, saving time and increasing efficiency; 4) larger number of sample points, improving site characterization cutting remediation costs

The MicroTrace PDV has been upgraded to allow much improved stand-alone operation by utilizing a new tablet computer app now included with the PDV. The USB connector replaces the serial port. The upgraded product can be run either on 4 x 1.5V AA batteries, or from the mains using the standard 8 - 12V DC transformer.

The MicroTrace PDV comes with the VAS software package, which is easy to use and is compatible with Windows. VAS enables storage and manipulation of voltammograms, operating data and in-depth data analysis.

The SV LabCell

Our MicroTrace PDV comes equipped with a standard analytical cell which can detect a wide range of different metals. The SV LabCell is an optional extra that allows the use of Bi film which has performance advantages for cathodic stripping methods (less DO interference).

The SV LabCell extends the PDV's range of metals to include molybdenum and uranium; it also gives a better response for nickel, cobalt and chromium at low levels.


  • Academic research
  • Monitoring at remote locations
  • Contaminated land remediation
  • Food and feed analysis
  • Tracing contamination back to source
  • Accidental contamination events
  • Monitoring of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, seawater
  • Industrial effluent monitoring
  • Groundwater monitoring / natural attenuation
  • Wastewater recycling and WWTP influent monitoring
  • Drinking water intake and distribution
Power Supply AC, 110 - 240V or DC 8 - 12V or 4 x AA batteries
Dimensions PDV6000ultra 360mm x 270mm x 155mm (L x W x D)
Dimensions SV LabCell 220mm x 160mm x 160mm (L x W x D). Drain tank, solid-state electrodes and stand provided
Working Electrode, Std. Cell Glassy carbon, used with a variety of films, or solid gold
Working Electrode, SV LabCell Glassy carbon (Not compatible with app)
Counter Electrode Platinum
Reference Electrode Ag/AgCl in KCl
Cell Material Acrylic (Labcell only) and PTFE
Cell Stirrer DC magnetic motor and magnetically coupled stirrer
Display LCD graphic screen
CE Compliant Yes
Operating Software VAS, internal firmware
Tablet based android app
Keypad 5 button keypad
Analysis Methods Available Anodic stripping, Cathodic stripping
Waveforms Available Linear sweep, square wave and differential pulse
Voltammetry Range -2.0V to +2.0V (3.3V factory option)
Sensitivity 2 nA
Variation (%CV) 5 to 10%
Result Output Voltammetry curves, element concentration(s), historical data
Calibration Standard comparison or standard addition
Packing Sturdy water-proof carry case
Stand-alone field instrument 10 programmable stand-alone menus
10 programmable conditioning menus
Blank subtraction option, standard addition option (useful for dirtier water)
Battery indicator
Portable laboratory instrument connected to PC or laptop (VAS only) VAS software, making the instrument a top of the range voltammetry instrument
Automatic data saving, graph optimisation, print facility for all data, reports and graphs

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