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Types of Gas Detectors
Miner’s Canary

Japanese Waltzing Mouse

Flame Safety Lamp

State-of-the-Art CWA detector: "Devil Bird"
- Chemical warfare specialist takes care of his pigeon in central Iraq
- The pigeon, called "Devil Bird," is used to detect chemical attacks
Source: MSNBC "Images of War"

Capabilities and Limitations of Multi-sensor Instruments

- First line screening tool for CS, HAZMAT and WMD response
- Many brands available (BW, MSA, ISC, GfG, RAE, etc.)
- Typically 1 – 6 sensors: O2 / LEL / PID / NDIR and / or 1 to 3 substance-specific toxic gas sensors
- Many new types of sensors available for use in these instruments
Choosing the Best Gas Detector
- "Best" gas detector doesn’t come from any one manufacturer; it’s the instrument that best fulfills the requirements for your monitoring program
- Ways in which gas detectors are used can vary widely between different programs
- The instrument that provides the best service and value for one program may not be the best choice for another

Capabilities and Limitations of Multi-sensor Instruments

- First line screening tool for CS, HAZMAT and WMD response
- Many brands available (BW, MSA, ISC, GfG, RAE, etc.)
- Typically 1 – 6 sensors: O2 / LEL / PID / NDIR and / or 1 to 3 substance-specific toxic gas sensors
- Many new types of sensors available for use in these instruments
Increasingly wide variety of sensors to choose from

- Available sensors include:
- O2
- %LEL
- Infrared %LEL
- Infrared % volume
- CO
- H2S
- nfrared CO2
- SO2
- Cl2
- ClO2
- O3
- HF
- NH3
- H2
- PH3
- NO
- NO2