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Mount on Parallel DIN Rails
Mount on Parallel DIN Rails
The module is designed for installation on two parallel top hat DIN rails that are 35 millimeters by 7.5 millimeters, as per EN Standard 50022. BW Technologies strongly recommends that mounting is performed by a qualified installation contractor. Sufficient expertise is required to:
1. Determine the strength of the wall supporting the module; and
2. Select DIN rails and mounting hardware appropriate to the weight and normal use of the total number of mounted modules.
What is a DIN Rail?

A DIN rail is a metal strip that is used to mount industrial equipment. DIN rail can be cut to suit specific applications. Multiple rows of DIN rail can be used. The module is designed for installation on two parallel top hat DIN rails that are 35 millimeters by 7.5 millimeters, as per EN Standard 50022.
Before You Begin
1. Select a suitable installation location. Each module or gang of connected modules requires:
- Access to an appropriate power source.
- Access to a network connection, if using.
- Access to calibration gas sources
- Adequate clearance for the power cord, cables and tubing.
- Adequate clearance for normal use, maintenance and cleaning.
2. Install two parallel top hat DIN rails that are 35 millimeters by 7.5 millimeters. Use DIN rails that are appropriate for the combined weight and normal use of the total number of mounted modules. Space the DIN rails 15.2 centimeters (6 inches) apart on center.
3. BW Technologies strongly recommends using a DIN rail end plate when mounting in a vehicle, or when lateral motion is possible, or when attaching the first module in a ganged system. If a DIN rail end plate is not available, use the anchor holes in the back panel to secure the module to the wall.

Incomplete or improper mounting may result in property damage and/or personal injury.
Do not install near heat sources or on vibrating surfaces.
The wall and the mounting hardware must be strong enough to support the equipment during normal use
The equipment must be used only in a normal atmosphere (20.9% v/v O2) that is free of hazardous gas. Do not use the equipment in a hazardous area. Failure to adhere to this caution can lead to fire and/or explosion.
The equipment is intended for indoor use only.
Mounting Modules on Parallel DIN Rail

1. Prepare the modules for mounting.
1. Disconnect modules that are connected into gangs.
2. Disconnect the power cord, network cable, tubing and inlet filter assemblies.
3. Remove the end plate.
2. Attach a module to the DIN rails. Repeat as necessary until all modules attached.
1. Hold the module upright with the back panel toward the DIN rails. Place the top DIN mount over the top of the upper DIN rail and then lower the module toward the lower DIN rail until it snaps into place.
2. Verify that the module is firmly attached to both the upper DIN rail and the lower DIN rail
3. Connect the attached modules into gangs of up to 5, if using. Repeat as necessary until all gangs are connected.
1. Snap the first module into position on the DIN rail, and then unlock and raise the latch arm.
2. Snap the second module onto the DIN rail, and then slide it into position beside the first module. Push the modules firmly together and then lower and lock the latch arm.
3. Repeat as necessary until the gang is complete.
4. Prepare the module for use.
1. Attach the end plate. Verify that the latch arm is lowered and locked.
2. Connect the inlet filters, tubing, network connection and power cord.
Removing an Individual Module from Parallel DIN Rails
1. Disconnect the power cord, network cable, tubing and inlet filter assemblies.
2. Remove the end plate.
3. Find the DIN mount lock on the lower right side of the module.
4. Hold the DIN mount lock down, and then tilt the module away from the lower DIN rail until the lower DIN mount is released. Release the DIN mount lock and remove the module from the upper DIN rail.
Removing Connected Modules from Parallel DIN Rails
1. Disconnect the power cord, network cable, tubing and inlet filter assemblies.
2. Remove the end plate.
3. Lift the latch arm between connected modules at the end of the gang.
4. Find the DIN mount lock on the lower right side of the last module. Hold the DIN mount lock down, and then slide the module along the DIN rails until it is separated from the gang.
5. Hold the DIN mount lock down, and then tilt the module away from the lower DIN rail until the lower DIN mount is released. Release the DIN mount lock and remove the module from the upper DIN rail.
6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 until only one module remains.
7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to remove the final module.