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Adjust Date and Time Settings
Adjust Date and Time Settings
Follow these instructions when you want to adjust the module time and date settings manually via the Adjust dock station settings menu. When you adjust and save the settings for one module in a gang, the settings for all of the modules in the gang are also changed.
Adjusting Time and Date via the Module Settings Menu

1. Press and holdon the keypad until Adjust dock station settings is displayed on the LCD.
2. Pressor
to select Adjust time and date and then press
. If the procedure is passcode-protected, then enter the passcode and press
to continue.
3. The Adjust time and date menu is displayed and date settings are ready to edit. Edit the date settings, or pressto skip to the time settings.
1. To set the date, pressor
to select day, month or year, and then press
to change the value.
2. To change the date format, press or
until the date labels are selected, and then press
to change the date display to year-month-day, daymonth-year, or month-day-year.
4. Pressto save the date settings and continue, or press
to cancel the date changes and go to time settings. The time settings screen is displayed.
5. Edit the time settings, or press to skip the date settings and return to the Adjust dock station settings menu.
1. To set the time, press or
to select a hours or minutes, and then press
to change the value.
2. To change the time format, pressor
until the time format is selected, and then press
to change the clock format to 12-hour or 24-hour
6. Pressto save the changes and return to the Adjust dock station settings menu, or press
to cancel the time settings and return to the Adjust dock station settings menu.