1-866-4 JJSTECH(1-866-455-7832)

Installing Fleet Manager II

Installing Fleet Manager II

Fleet Manager II is required to configure the detector. To install Fleet Manager II, refer to the Fleet Manager II CD-ROM that includes the

  • installation wizard, and
  • Fleet Manager II Operator’s Manual

From the User Options tab in Fleet Manager II, two sections are provided to add data, enable/disable features, and to define settings for the sensors and the detector. They are as follows:

Using Fleet Manager II to Configure the Detector

When Fleet Manager II is installed, refer to Table6, Figure3, and the following procedures:

Table 6. Connecting the IR Link

1 IR and charger interface
2GasAlertMax XT II
3IR Link
4USB cable
Gas alarm

Figure 3. Connecting the IR Link

1. Activate the detector and wait for the startup tests to complete.

2. Connect the USB cable to the USB port on the computer.

3. Connect the USB cable to the IR Link.

4. Insert the IR Link into the IR interface on the back of the detector.

5. From the PC, open Fleet Manager II.

6. Click Administration.

7. From the Administration toolbar, click Login / Logout to access the Enter Password dialog box. Enter Admin and click OK.

8. From the Devices toolbar, click Configure Device via IR Link to access the GasAlertMax XT Configuration window.

9. From the configuration window, click Retrieve from Device at the bottom of the window.

10. Refer to the following sections in this guide for descriptions about how to enter data, enable/disable, and define settings.

11. When all settings are defined, click Save to Device at the bottom of the configuration window to save the configuration to the detector.